Christmas is my favorite holiday.
I love to decorate, bake, give gifts, sing Christmas carols, go to church, and especially spend time with those I love.
But this year—this crazy mixed-up year—I’ve found myself a little less merry and bright. I just read the new lockdown orders from Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti. In case you didn’t know, I’m a SoCal gal.
The new orders prohibit: Walking, driving, travel on public transport, bikes, motorcycles, and scooters are prohibited, other than for those undertaking essential activities.
If I’m being honest, I’ve struggled with a bad attitude quite often during 2020. The Lord called me out on it while I was griping about wearing masks, and not being able to eat inside restaurants. I heard Him say in my spirit, “Stop complaining. I’m at work … even in this.”
Yikes! I quickly repented. But ya know what? That nasty attitude of mine just kept creeping back. Every time I would read some ridiculous news article, hear about more lockdowns or restrictions, or almost anything political—I would get all steamed up again.
“Lord, help me with my stinkin’ thinkin’!”
As usual, God is faithful. He led me to the Psalms. The book of Psalm has approximately 42 Psalms of lament: pouring out of sorrow, anger, frustration, or complaining to God. What a relief! This amazing book tucked in the middle of our Bibles teaches us how to complain to God in a way that honors Him!
The Psalms are where I found three steps to reverse my negative attitude (aka stinkin’ thinkin’). Take a look at how this Psalm begins with a lament:
“I thought about the former days, the years of long ago; I remembered my songs in the night. My heart meditated and my spirit asked: “Will the Lord reject forever? Will he never show his favor again? Has his unfailing love vanished forever? Has his promise failed for all time? Has God forgotten to be merciful? Has he in anger withheld his compassion?” Psalm 77: 5-6
But then a few verses down, we read a shift in attitude. It’s as though the Holy Spirit got ahold of the psalmist’s heart, and then his thoughts, perspective, and attitude began to change.
The same can happen to us! What do you say we give it a try?
3 Ways to Reverse Stinkin’ Thinkin’
1) Recall
When things seem bad, it takes a conscious effort to recall the good times. The Lord is always good. And He had done many wonderful things for us. We just need to take a moment and recall them. Or another thing we can do is go straight to the Psalms of Thanksgiving and read them aloud.
One of the best things we can do when our thoughts sour is to sweeten them up by recalling the goodness of God.
One of the best things we can do when our thoughts sour is to sweeten them up by recalling the goodness of God. Share on X“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.” (11-12).
2) Worship
I’ve noticed it’s pretty tough to gripe and complain while worshipping. It isn’t long before a transformation takes place.
I’ve noticed it’s pretty tough to gripe and complain while worshipping God. Share on XSort of like the Grinch, my heart seems to grow three sizes when I focus on the greatness of God.
“Your ways, God, are holy.” (verse 13)
3) Tell Others
Do you know what spreads faster than the coronavirus? A bad attitude!
Guess what? We can also spread positivity and kindness. So, let’s show others God’s love, and share with them the reason for our hope.
“What god is as great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.” (13-14)
“One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works. They will tell of the power of your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great deeds.” Psalm 145: 5-7
My friends, people are generally more open to talking about spiritual matters during the holiday season. We also have more opportunities to see family and friends. Let’s not allow the enemy to rob us of the joy of the Christmas season. Let’s keep our attitudes in check (I’m preaching to myself here) with God’s help by reversing stinkin’ thinkin’.
Merry Christmas and much love,
I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.
You may want to check out last week’s post: Dealing with Holiday Depression and Grief.
Love all of these my friend, but I humbly suggest a #4 (option) for you and your family. Move to Texas. We’ve got COVID here too, but most folks aren’t insane and we won’t stand for petty little wannabe dictators in local government. 🙂 Just sayin’ sweet friend. I understand your frustration though Ms. Beckie; and there is certainly more of that than needed going around these days. Thank you for the blessed reminder to not “stink up” my world quite so much.
J.D., My middle son, and his pregnant wife live in Texas. Trust me, I’m tempted to move. But this is where God has us (for now). I’m determined to bloom where He’s planted us!
I’m glad you found this a helpful post. Your comments are always an encouragement and bring a smile to my face.
Blessings and Merry Christmas!
I love Psalms. Great suggestions for an attitude adjustment.
Loretta, Isn’t God’s word amazing?! It has the power to change our thoughts and attitudes.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the post.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Blessings on you and Merry Christmas!
A very powerful post Beckie
Thanks, Del!
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Thank you again. You and I have both suffered great losses this year. You always, always did a way to uplift me. Through The Word or your actions. Love you!
I know it’s been a rough year. Thanks for taking the time to let me know how the Lord is working.
Praying blessings on you and yours, my friend!
Beckie, I must confess I’ve suffered from that stinkin’ thinkin’, too. May we all focus on the good things God has done in the past and know in our hearts that He will make all things well in the future. Now more than ever, we need to fully trust in Him.
Martha, I’m with you. Now more than ever, we need to trust in God.
Merry Christmas, my friend!
Well, Beckie, I hope you’re proud of yourself. You invaded my morning and totally wrecked a classic exhibition of one of my few outstanding talents. I was in the midst of compiling an impressive list of indictments against everything from elitist hypocrisy, to political corruption, to academic malpractice, to bureaucratic anarchy, to people who have those bright LED headlights on their cars that nearly blind you. I was going to include some epic sarcasm targeting a fresh list of blatantly fraudulent activities that that drive me nuts. But you had to come along with all that well developed Biblically supported Merry & Bright stuff and ruin it all.
You single handedly turned my verbal AR-15 into a Christmas cookie. Now, I’m stuck with all this gratitude and praise and hope that I can’t get away from. I’m not sure how long it will last, but with my luck, as soon as it begins to wear off, you’ll probably write something else. I love you anyway, though, and if I get to run into you again, I’ll give you a bite of my cookie–it’s actually pretty tasty.
Well, I hope YOU are happy! You successfully made me laugh out loud (lol- that one is used way too often, but in this case, it is appropriate) despite the fact that my cell phone was blaring with an “Emergency Alert” from our state officials that the coronavirus is spreading and to stay indoors. Yes, this truly just happened. Get behind me, Satan!
Not only am I blessed to call you a friend, but I get the benefit of enjoying all your wit and charm wrapped in your amazing prose.
Thanks for sharing.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
P.S. I despise those LED headlights, too 🙂
Recalling God’s goodness, worship and telling others is just the antidote most of us need to recover from the disease of Stinkin Thinkin, Beckie! Thank you for this reminder in a difficult time of the world. “Stop complaining. I’m at work … even in this.”
Indeed, Karen! God is always at work. I’m so grateful for the peace that comes with the knowledge that God is in control and He loves us.
How horrible your restrictions in Southern California Beckie.
I find that worship really can give me a change of heart. My adoration and praise to God helps me remember all of His goodness. God also has a way at times of setting up divine appointments when I am out beginning with casual conversations that lead to the goodness of God.
I have been enjoying the Psalms lately in The Passion Translation. Check it out in the Bible app for free.
Christmas blessings to you and your family Becky.