Our nation is not only divided by politics—it is divided by fear.
America is holding its collective breath as we approach November 3, 2020. This election has been touted by the news and social media platforms as the ‘most important election of our lifetimes.’
Will we even know the results of the election on Tuesday night? Will there be rioting? Will our way of life drastically change?
With COVID-19, racial and political tensions, and everything in between—fear and division has gripped our country.
Jesus knew we would have a tendency to be fearful and divided. Although he was about to die, Jesus was concerned about the unity among his followers.
“Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one. My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message that all of them may be one.” John 17:11
Christians can disagree politically, but we must love unconditionally and pray for unity.
Christians can disagree politically, but we must love unconditionally and pray for unity. Share on XHow Christians handle ourselves after the election is tantamount. The world will be watching. We must be prepared now more than ever to represent Jesus well.
How Christians handle ourselves after the election is tantamount. The world will be watching. We must be prepared now more than ever to represent Jesus well. Share on X
What To Do Following The Election
We have a responsibility to pray for our elected officials, even the ones you didn’t vote for. Prayer is a powerful heavenly weapon (Ephesians 6:18; James 5:16). Scripture shows us that prayer is a commandment, not a recommendation.
“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:1-4
It’s easy to focus on the flaws and sins of those in the public eye like politicians. But God’s word instructs us to look within at our own sins.
“And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own?” Matthew 7:3
I had the opportunity to visit Washington D.C. the day after President Trump was elected to office four years ago. Walking through our nation’s capital and viewing the awe-inspiring monuments, struck a chord with me. God was everywhere. Almost every monument mentioned His name—several times even. Our founding fathers held fast to a biblical worldview, and yet here in the heart of the nation, despite the inscriptions of the monuments, where was God? It made me question if God shows through the way I live my own life. The Holy Spirit has prompted me to: Look within. Repent. Start being about the Father’s business.
“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” Psalm 139:23-24
As Christians, if we find ourselves disturbed at the moral decline in our nation, we must look no further than the mirror.
The moral decline did not happen overnight. It happened right under the nose of the church in a million small ways. And it will take lots of hard work and sacrifice to turn things right. But it’s not too late for the church to claim back this nation for God!
What does it look like to turn the hearts of the citizens of the United States toward God?
What drew you to God?
I know it’s not easy to stand for what you believe when it’s not viewed as politically correct. Many Christians are afraid of being labeled “intolerant.” Dear brothers and sisters, we have been quiet and complacent long enough. It is a sin to know what’s right and yet stay silent. Biblically speaking, there are sins of omission just as there are sins of commission. What we don’t do is equally important to what we do in fact do.
Dear Christian brothers and sisters, we have been quiet and complacent long enough. It is a sin to know what’s right and yet stay silent. What we don’t do is equally important to what we do in fact do. Share on XDemonstrating Christ’s love is of utmost importance—always. But love does not mean we water down the gospel or ignore sin because we are afraid of ruffling feathers or being persecuted. Take a look at this quote from Franklin Graham four years ago just prior to the election:
“We as Christians, we have been told we’ve got to be quiet,” Franklin said at the North Carolina State Capitol in October. “We don’t want to upset people. We don’t want to turn anybody off. We want to be loving. We want to be caring. And of course, we want to be loving, and of course, we want to be caring. But they accuse us of being intolerant if we speak up.
“Well, we don’t want to be accused of being intolerant. So, we want to be nice. Christlike. But I remember Christ one time taking a whip and chasing those money-changers out of the temple (John 2:15). I remember Jesus one time telling those Pharisees, ‘You’re a bunch a whitewashed tombs’ (Matthew 23:27). There are times that we need to stand up and speak out.”
Jesus spoke the truth in love and so must we. Notice I said must, not should. We will be courageous like Christ when we speak up for Christ and His word. We can still love someone even if we don’t agree with how they are living their lives. In fact, it’s more loving to point someone who is walking in the darkness of sin to the light of love and forgiveness that only comes through Jesus. Turning a blind eye not only shows a lack of faith and courage but is an accessory to sin.
Christians, no matter who wins the election, our Lord reigns and our mission is the same: love the Lord, love your neighbor, and make disciples. I implore you to be unified, bold, strong, and, courageous in the days ahead.
Christians, no matter who wins the election, our Lord reigns and our mission is the same: love the Lord, love your neighbor, make disciples. Share on XLove and Blessings,
I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.
Amen, dear friend! What a blessing your post is. Important truths for us to remember!
Jean, I’m so glad you found this helpful. God Bless America!
Amen Beckie. I pray that however this election turns out it will draw Christians together to seek God’s direction for our nation.
Narva, glad to stand with you in prayer for our nation.
I agree Ms. Beckie. We must show the world what God has done in us, not what the world has done to us. With that said, this does not mean that we have to roll over and become a martyr to further Satan’s goals in this world either. Christ said we should turn the other cheek, not surrender to evil. God’s blessings ma’am. Praying for peace; prepared to defend all that God has entrusted to my care.
J.D. So glad to stand with you in prayer for our nation and world.
Absolutely, Beckie! We must love others as God first loved us, but we need not be a doormat. Let us stand up boldly in the name of Jesus, and show His love to those who are hurting in this world.
Blessings, my friend!
Martha, I so agree with you. Glad to stand with you in prayer.
Indeed Beckie love needs to follow us in our dealings. I do feel however that as the anti-Christ spirit has risen with a tenacity to change the dynamics of our nation regarding abortion, removing God from literature and public arenas and being tolerant of sexual immorality we as believers need to take our stand. We cannot cower in weakness like Peter and through silence ignore what is escalating. God looks to us as Ambassadors representing Him unashamedly. I cringe to think so many youngsters can grow up with a perverted moral compass. A boldness and radical love for Him can help us. I think the church indeed is partly to blame as the interest seemed to be more on friendly seeker programs so they can get members. Pizza parties and outings without going back to our foundational basics. As a result we have become lax and unwilling to speak out. This pandemic has shaken many churches with some closing as those lukewarm do not wish to return. It is a wake up call and the prayer we have postured ourselves with over these past months I pray will help change the course of our hearts and nation.
Valerie, I agree. The Church must stand in unity. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and heart. I am praying with you, dear sister.
I’m a little late getting to this comment, Beckie, but thank you for another powerful set of admonitions for these tense and in some ways exasperating days. In a time when truth is a diminishing commodity, your words and the courage to write them is priceless.
I especially love your references to supportive Scripture and the reminder of where the principles came from that guided our founders and laid the foundation of this great Republic.
You are more than a gifted writer and distant friend. You’re a shining example of the kind of faith and devotion to truth that can overcome whatever new piece of corruption creeps out of hell to confront us. As I find myself repeating a lot in this world gone upside down, the One who redeemed us and sent us to represent Him doesn’t adjust our job description to fit in with the surrounding culture’s standards or the prevailing political pressures. God bless you for another insightful and encouraging piece.
Ron, How wonderful to hear from you. I especially agree with your insight on how God doesn’t adjust our job description to fit in with the surrounding culture. AMEN!
It’s an honor to stand in prayer with you.
Blessings to you, my friend!
I am a Conservative Christian Republican Patriot in our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America and I STAND with the Holy Land of Israel-Yisrael!!
Please Pray for Israel-Yisrael / Christian Nation United States of America, and our Christian Earth Everyday “Pray Without Ceasing.” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV )!!
( Psalms 33:12 KJV ) “Blessed is the Nation whose GOD is the LORD; and the People whom HE hath Chosen for HIS Own Inheritance.”!!
( II Timothy 2:15 KJV ) “Study to shew thyself approved unto GOD, a workman ( or anyone ) that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the WORD of TRUTH.”!!
Our ONE True GOD’S LOVE 💕💜 is ETERNAL THROUGH HIS SON Christ-MESSIAH Jesus-Yeshua for Today and Everyday Forevermore!!
I Love you all Everyone through Christ-MESSIAH Jesus-Yeshua, because HE LOVED 💜💕 EVERYONE FIRST!!
Love 💕Always and Shalom ( Peace ), YSIC \o/
Kristi Ann