From the wise words of Solomon, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” (Ecc. 3:1) And later in verses 3-4,
“A time to kill and a time to heal.
A time to tear down and a time to build up.
A time to cry and a time to laugh.
A time to grieve and a time to dance.”
For me, it’s a time to heal and a time to dance. I know it might sound strange to do both simultaneously, but that’s exactly what’s happening. After fighting stage 4 ovarian cancer for ten months, I received the BEST news:
All glory to Jesus—I AM IN REMISSION!

Sporting some new hair growth!
I’m not sure that I can express how grateful I am to be alive because there was a point where
I knew that I was dying.
It started back in January of this year when a trip to the emergency room and a subsequent CT scan showed a large mass on both ovaries. In only a few weeks, cancer metastasized and quickly spread to the lymph nodes of my stomach, filling my abdomen with fluid, as well as around my lungs. The left lung also had cancer nodules.
Let me be clear, the odds of survival according to statistics were not in my favor (read more about it in the post “What Are The Odds?”). In fact, unfortunately, I know of two women with the same diagnosis that died recently—one was a woman younger than me at church who left behind a husband and three children still living at home. Please pray for this family.
The dire diagnosis thrust me into the most difficult trial I have ever faced in my life. I realized immediately, I had a decision to make: trust God or give in to the fear that was seeking to pull me under.
I choose to place my hope in God and His plans for my life.
“And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Romans 5:3-5
I choose to look at the trial with cancer as an opportunity to grow.
And boy, oh, boy, did I grow closer to the Father. Never have I felt the presence of the Lord more closely than during the past months as He walked me through the valley of the shadow of death. As I’ve shared before, there were some dark days where I struggled to maintain my hope. But when I invited God into my fear, His perfect love pushed it out, leaving me with peace and revitalized hope that indeed
With God, all things are possible!
And now just in time to celebrate my daughter, Charity’s wedding this Saturday, I am cancer-free!

Charity and her fiancé, Matt.
This is indeed a time to dance!
Thank you, dear readers, for your prayers and encouragement throughout this journey. Of course, it’s not over. I am still undergoing care from my two oncologists. I must take a daily medication to “keep cancer at bay.” I am still experiencing the nasty side effects of memory issues and neuropathy from the chemotherapy. I am hopeful with time, I will regain full use of my feet and hands.
Much love and blessings,
Stay tuned! After Charity’s wedding, I will be working on my next book “Suffering Well: A Warrior’s Handbook to Overcome Life’s Obstacles.” I am soooo excited about this book! Not only will I share about my cancer journey, but I will include some amazing stories of others who have faced trials and came out victorious through faith in Jesus. The book will also help readers learn to use God’s amazing spiritual power to resist the enemy. Each chapter will conclude an applicable tangible takeaways section.
I’d love to hear from you! Please include prayer requests and comments below, or feel free to email me.
Oh, Beckie, as I read this, tears of joy and thankfulness are coursing down my cheeks! I have prayed to the Lord endless times for you, as I’m sure countless others have, and we have been validated by the power of prayer in your recovery. And in all the pain and frustration, God has given you inspiration for a new book. Praise Him! He will never cease to use His servants to His glory, and it seems, in my mind, that you are, indeed, a favored daughter.
Blessings always!
Martha, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your friendship, prayers, and support during this difficult season. I KNOW there is power in prayer.
Blessings to you and Danny!
I couldn’t have said it any better than Martha’s reply! It’s exactly my thoughts also. A favored daughter. Working His miracles truly! Using you to help others with probably one of the worst things that can stop us in our tracks, FEAR. I loved your statement on letting God into your fear, He pushed it out! So powerful!! You are definitely a teacher for Christ. Thank you Dear Lord for hearing my prayers, all of our prayers. I love a union of God’s people coming together through prayer. How powerful! I love your hair by the way Beckie!! All glory and praise to Our Lord Jesus Christ indeed! Continued prayers dear one. See you soon! My love to you.
Thank you with all my heart, Lisa!
I am so happy to see this journey unfolding in a way that God gets all the credit. He is going to expand your platform to provide hope for those following a similar path.
Bee Well!
Bee Strong!
Bee Thankful!
Ben, I so appreciate your prayer support.
Blessings to you!
Dear Beckie, I am delighted to hear the good news. God bless.
Dan, thanks so much! I KNOW there is power in prayer.
I can’t help but smile as I type this. How many times did I pray God’s word of protection, provision, and healing back to Him, “But You promised in Your Word Lord and I’m holding You to Your Word” over you. To read your words and sense the joy in your heart and the resolve in your mind; you personify the hashtag #FaithGreaterThanFear that has cropped up on the past two years. As Jesus told many, “your faith has made you well.” Am joining with you to praise God for all He’s done, all He’s doing, and all He’s going to do in your life. Your story gives us hope my friend. Even when the results aren’t as miraculous as yours, the victory is in living out our faith. God’s blessings sweet lady. You are surely a pathfinder in the journey in faith.
JD, I thank you for your faithful prayers and continual encouragement to hold fast to Jesus and His word.
I wish I could hug you and Diane. Maybe in the future! For now, know you are loved!
My Dear Warrior Friend, you are such an inspiration and beacon of hope and faith! The way the good Lord works through you is such a beautiful blessing for you, your family, and anyone who knows you or reads/hears your testimony. I am so thrilled for Charity and to have her sweet Mama by her side through her upcoming wedding is so precious! All my love to you all!! Cheers, congratulations, and continues thanks and prayers. Love you! ❤️🙏🏻❤️
Thank you for sharing your journey. I continue to pray for you. You are truly inspiring.
Praise God!! how wonderful your news is! May God continue to bless you for the rest of your years 🙂
You are amazing! Before writing and marriage, I did cancer research. I understand the prognosis you must have been given. Thank you for sharing your fears and successes. I can only imagine what you went through, but God is so faithful and kind. It’s so obvious He was with you every step of the way.
He chooses to take some home to be with Him, but I am thankful He chose to let you stay here.
I am so glad your hope filled days are about to birth another work that will help others in their suffering. I know you are optimistic yet being human, have to deal with continued doctors and medication. Your positive outlook has really helped you in the healing process. I am not sure if things in your past helped you with your dogged determination or if you just clung tightly to the Lord through this. Regardless, I pray you will live a long life as I know each year you count as precious. You are living Beckie with the heart to extend help to those not so strong in faith. God will trust you through this…and enable you to do more than you imagine. I stand cheering for your victory lap and pray continued testimonies will pour in. 😀❤️❤️🌹🙏🙏🙌🙌
I am so glad you are in remission, Beckie. I pray the Lord keeps it at bay and you may experience many more years with your family. I hope, too, that the side effects will leave. Love and blessings of hope and strength for whatever lies ahead!
Hallelujah and Maranatha Amen Sister in Jesus Becky!!
Love Always, YSIC \o/
Kristi Ann
Beckie, I am so grateful to God that you are cancer free!
Congratulations on gaining a new son. 🙂